Come join the Rotaract Community!

Come join the Rotaract Community!

Look around you What do you see? A family, a friendship And a great big community Listen Carefully What do you hear? Whispers and shouts of joy And triumph of glory throughout a year Names and faces  that you never often see Their smiles may seem awkward, but you...
How was the Quarter RACUSJ?

How was the Quarter RACUSJ?

It was exactly 112 days since we, the RACUSJ started the new Rotaract journey for the year 2020/21. Though we had many plans to start off the year with lots of laughter and hugs, it wasn’t to be this time because all of us were struck with a word called “LOCKDOWN”....
නිරෝධායනයේ තවත් එක් අතුරු කතාවක්…

නිරෝධායනයේ තවත් එක් අතුරු කතාවක්…

COVID-19 චීනයෙන් ඇරඹී ලොව පුරා ව්‍යාප්ත වී ශ්‍රී ලංකාව තුලට ද පිවිසියේ අප නොසිතූ මොහොතක ය. ව්‍යාප්තිය වැළැක්වීම සඳහා වහාම නිරෝධායන කාල සීමාවක් ප්‍රකාශයට පත් විය. මේ කාලය තුල මහජනතාවගෙන් වැඩි පිරිසක් නිවෙස්වලට කොටු වූවත් සෞඛ්‍ය අංශ, ආරක්ෂක අංශ හා අනෙකුත් අත්‍යවශ්‍ය...


Its 2a.m I’m really tired I have a cough And I have a fever The doctors are running all over the place Looking for medicine Calling out names And I just lay on a bed Thinking; “OH! today is Monday” My mother is not here She was not allowed to come with me She was left...