Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer famed for his world-renowned series ‘’The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’’ of which the third book is ‘’Who Will Cry When You Die??’’. As the name alone aptly suggests, in this book the writer focuses on life lessons that will help us...
Midsommar, released in 2019, is a folk horror masterpiece penned and helmed by Ari Aster. Featuring standout performances by Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor, the film follows the journey of a troubled American couple and their friends as they venture to rural Sweden for...
”We had each other. That’s how we won.” -Lando Calrissian The monthly gathering for the month of February of the Rotaract Club in University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held on the 29th of February from 7.30 p.m. onwards via Google Meets. This time the...
“ඈත කඳුකර හිමව් අරණේ… සීත චන්දන ලපලු හෙවනේ…” When we listen to this song, the legend Maestro Amaradeva comes to our mind. Pandith Amaradeva (1927-2016), born Wannakuwattawaduge Don Albert Perera, was an esteemed and highly influential Sri Lankan musician. He...
In a world often divided by differences, there exists a universal language that knows no boundaries, transcending cultures, languages, and beliefs. That language is sport. Sports are instrumental in fostering unity, promoting peace, and driving positive change across...
The flickering candlelight dances on the worn leather of the desk, casting long shadows that reach toward the figure bent over the paper. A quill dips gracefully into a well of shining ink, and with a soft sigh, thewriter begins. Each stroke is meticulous, a whispered...