Rotaract, the youth branch formed under Rotary International, is a platform created for young people between the ages of 18 and 30. Rotary International is a global network committed to fostering peace, battling disease, supplying clean water and sanitation, and...
“It’s been a spectacular eleven years as Rotaractors; we served, valued lifelong friendships, and now proudly stride into the new beginning of an incredible journey toward tremendous glory and success.” Eleven years ago, a spark was ignited for a...
This year the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura celebrated its 12th milestone on the 1st of September, reminiscing its glorious journey since its initiation 12 years ago. The Rotaract Club of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura was established on...
If you ask a bunch of Rotaractors, what ‘Rotaract’ actually is, all of them might give you answers which will differ from each other. Some might answer you in one word while some might explain you about the Rotaract movement as a whole. Amidst these answers and...
The World Rotaract week falls every year during the week of 13th March. During this week Rotaractors worldwide commemorate the very beginning of this International Youth Movement; Rotaract, focusing on the day in which the first ever Rotaract Club was found. Likewise,...
“It’s been ten years since we embarked on a journey of a service, ten years of wonderful memories as a family and ten years of tremendous success and progress as a club” After months of preparation and planning, we successfully unveiled the 11th...