by rotaractusjpAuthor | Oct 14, 2023 | News
Feathers as bright as the rainbow, flights so magnificent stealing all the attention in the sky, how dull would it be on earth if we never witnessed the charm of birds? Bird migration is one of the great miracles of nature that signifies their intelligence, endurance,...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Oct 13, 2023 | Backstage, News
පනාපුත්ර කුහුඹුපැණියා “නොගොසින් එන්නට බැරිය නැවිදින් යන්නට බැරිය ලොව ඇත්තේ යාම් ඒම් පමණය..” 1958 ජූලි 8 වන දින රාගම පොඩිවීකුඹුර ග්රාමයේ උපත ලැබු ඇන්තනී රංගධාරියාව බොහෝ අය “ජැක්සන්” ලෙස හඳුනාගෙන තිබියදී, ඔහුගේ දෙමාපියන් ඔහුව හැඳින්වූයේ...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Oct 12, 2023 | News
Remember, your eyes are precious World Sight Day is an annual event that draws attention to the importance of eye care and promotes awareness about vision health. World Sight Day is on 12th October 2023. World Sight Day was first established in 1998 by the...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Oct 10, 2023 | News
World Mental Health Day this time around is celebrated under the theme, ”Mental health is a universal human right” While every human must have access to be consulted & treated for mental health-related disorders one must also bear in mind that mental health should...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Oct 5, 2023 | News
“One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.” – Philip Wylie Philip Wylie has nicely translated his thoughts about teachers into words. Behind every educated individual, there stands a dedicated teacher,...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Oct 1, 2023 | News
Let’s make a better place for the children to enjoy and the elderly to unwind On the 20th of November each year, children around the world are celebrated for their existence and importance to society. However, here in Sri Lanka, the day falls on the first day of...