by rotaractusjpAuthor | Nov 13, 2020 | News
Diwali, also known as Deepawali is a festival of lights that stretches back more than 2500 years of history. It is one of the most auspicious festivals celebrated by Hindus all over the world every year. Although it is considered as a Hindu festival which is mainly...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Nov 9, 2020 | News
“If we do not protect journalists, our ability to remain informed and make evidence-based decisions is severely hampered. When journalists cannot do their jobs in safety, we lose an important defence against the pandemic of misinformation and disinformation that...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Nov 9, 2020 | News
ජනමාධ්යවේදියා යනු, නිසැකවම සමාජයේ ප්රගමනයට සෘජුව හා වක්රව දායකවන, සත්යය ගවේෂණය කරමින් නිවැරදි දේ වාර්තා කිරීම වෙනුවෙන් කි්රයා කරන්නෙකු වේ.සැබැවින්ම ඔහු සමාජයේ පෙරගමන්කරුවෙකු හා චින්තනය ගොඩනගන්නෙකු වේ. සමාජයේ දේශපාලනික, ආර්ථික, සංස්කෘතික හා...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Nov 2, 2020 | News
Seventy-Five years ago, when the guns fell silent after six years of war, the Charter of the United Nations was ratified: Since then, every year on the 24th of October, UN day is celebrated. The year 2020 marks a special anniversary for the United Nations, which is...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Oct 18, 2020 | News
උන්මන්තකාගාරයක නොහිටියද ඔබ මට සැමට අඩු වැඩි වශයෙන් යම් උමතුවක් ඇත. බොහෝ දෙනා ප්රසිද්ධ වන්නේ තමන්ටම අනන්ය වූ පිස්සුවක් නිසාවෙනි. ඔබ කවුරුන් ගැන හෝ විමසූ විට… “ආ… එයාද, එයා නම්… ‘පික්චර් පිස්සෙක්’, ‘බස් පිස්සෙක්’, චිත්ර කතා (කොමික්) පිස්සෙක්, ‘පොත් ගුල්ලෙක්’,...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Sep 30, 2020 | Affordable and Clean Energy, Clean Water and Sanitation, Climate Action, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Gender Equality, Good Health and Well-Being, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Life Below Water, Life on Land, News, No Poverty, Partnerships for the Goals, Peace, Justice and Strong Institution, Quality Education, Reduced Inequalities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Zero Hunger
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or the global goals, were implemented by the United Nations in 2015. They are global sustainable development priorities and targets for 2030, which can be also stated as an agenda for people, the planet,...