“Amidst the bustling rhythm of urban life, let us pause to the embrace the tranquil symphony of nature on International Day of Forest, celebrating the heartbeats of our planet’s green lungs.” International Day of Forests is commemorated on March...
“Every individual, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, deserves to be respected, valued, and included in society. WDSD is a celebration of diversity, reminding us that our differences are what make us unique and beautiful.” – Sarah, Mother...
Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals orgroups based on certain characteristics; “Race” being one among them, is based on physical characteristics such as skin color, facial features, and hair texture of a person. Even though...
‘Happiness’ is the greatest blessing that people can ever have in their lifetime. It is a human emotion that bears extremely positive feelings and supports the psychological well-being of a person. According to positive psychology researcher Sonja...
First of all, what is biotechnology? Biotechnology is a field that bridges the gap between biology and technology, and its main use is in genetics and the modification of living things to suit our wants and needs. This spans anywhere from developing genetically...
Renewable energy has been making headlines for quite some time now. Not limiting to headlines, renewable energy has also created a monumental shift in the energy landscape as the world population is seen to be increasingly moving towards renewable energy sources to...