World Braille Day, observed annually on January 4th, serves as a tribute to Louis Braille, the inventor of the tactile writing system that has transformed the lives of individuals with visual impairments. This day holds immense significance in acknowledging the...
“Every morning brings new potential, but only if you live in the present and focus on the possibilities rather than the problems.” -Maya Angelou As we stand on the threshold of a new year, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on the journey we’ve traversed...
What’s the month of December for you? Well, in the temperate regions, it’s the season of cold weather & snowstorms topped with short days and long nights whereas to us in the tropics, it’s just another month with gloomy weather and heavy showers. However, it...
“We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism.” -Fred Hampton Every year on December 20, we...
Arabic Language Day, observed annually on December 18th, is a momentous occasion that pays homage to one of the world’s oldest and most captivating languages. This celebration not only recognizes the linguistic diversity of our global society but also...
Not all migrants are refugees; the distinction lies in the varied motivations behind their journeys. Refugees flee persecution, while migrants may seek opportunities, reflecting the diversity of human movement. Migration is a concept that has a history of millions of...