“None of you will believe until you love for your brother, what you love for yourself”, narrated by prophet Muhammadh emphasizes the importance of treating others with love, kindness, and respect, just as we would like to be treated ourselves.
As for this beautiful narration, it is essential to treat those in need, like it’s our own needs. So as young volunteers, we, the Rotaractors of the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura continued the ‘’For Them to Blossom 5.0’’ project for the fifth consecutive time. It is a privilege to disclose that the project was carried out despite the challenges posed by the economic crisis in Sri Lanka this year. The project focused on making a difference in the lives of multigenerational people who brings light to this world with their innocent smiles.
Elders, the wise and revered pillars of our communities, carry with them a wealth of knowledge and experience. Their presence brings a sense of grounding and stability, as they offer guidance and insight gleaned from a lifetime of living and learning. It is our responsibility to honour and care for our elders, to listen to their stories, and to learn from their experiences. On the other hand, we need to help those children in need, especially considering their future. The first phase of ‘’For Them to Blossom 5.0’’ was orchestrated to aid elderly people and young children. Thus, essential products were donated to Grace Perera home for elders in Gangodawila as well as to the Girls Child Development Centre. From this, we were able to fulfil their day-to-day needs.
With the unwavering dedication of supporters, donors, and well-wishers the unexpected amount of donations could be collected by our teammates, and was handed to Grace Perera home for elders in Gangodawila and Girls Child Development Centre. We’d be able to reach and serve them with our heartfelt collection of donations which included, dry rations, personal hygiene products, and essential medical supplies raised from generous donors. The smile and kind words from the senior generation we received, were priceless!

Children are the young and blossoming souls of our world and are a source of wonder and delight. We must create a safe and nurturing environment for children, where they can explore, learn, and grow without fear. We must provide them with a healthy environment, instil values of empathy and kindness, and empower them to become compassionate and responsible members of society. In the second phase of For Them to Blossom 5.0, to emphasize the importance of nutritious meals and hydration we provided children in Tiny Toes AMI Montessori and day-care with lunch boxes and water bottles. Minimizing plastic waste is crucial for a sustainable future. This eco-friendly initiative was able to minimize the usage level of single-use plastics and teach them to reduce their ecological footprints since childhood.

Further, as the third phase of the project, we conducted a session for the individuals residing in Bethesda Incarnation Centre with the help of our resource persons who conducted a valuable session on maintaining better relationships with the community while enhancing their physical and mental wellbeing.
It is a privilege to mention that we achieved and taught different lessons in a single move. This would be impossible without the selfless contributions and dedication of our donors and members.
Eventually, another successful project by Community Service Avenue of RACUSJ “For Them to Blossom 5.0” was concluded in a short period with the help of a massive amount of love and dedication. We can proudly say that as passionate youth in this society, we were able to do something which impacts positively the life of others and add value to the lives of others as well as ours too.
Written by: Rtr. Safeena Fawzar
Graphic design by: Rtr. Nilakshi De Silva