Harnessing the Power of Rotaractors to Fight Ocean Trash (Beach Clean-up – 2018)

Mar 24, 2018 | Community Service, Life Below Water, Life on Land | 0 comments

If the nature is personified to be ‘the mother,’ the ocean is her oldest child. The ocean is an irreplaceable part of the nature. Unfortunately, ocean trash ranks as one of today’s most serious pollution dilemmas.

Beaches, the trodden boundaries of the ocean leave visible proof for this. It has become a great environmental issue which often misses the limelight of the community. Addressing this much neglected responsibility, the Community Services Avenue of the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura organized a beach cleanup which was successfully conducted at Wellawatte beach on 18th of March 2018.

The aim was to clean the marine debris and trash as a primitive step in conserving the coastline. The Rotaractors rolled up their sleeves for this worthy cause and it was not a daunting task to make the shore trash-free with their collective effort. They were provided with caps, gloves and bags. The shore area was cleaned up within three hours and the garbage bags filled with remnants of human entertainment were put into the garbage lorries.

The debris collection was done in a segregated manner. Thus polythene, plastic and paper were collected separately. Cleanups of coastal environment remain an important mechanism for removing plastics and other trash from our beaches and marshes, but must be coupled with an overall reduction of the plastic stream entering the marine environment in the first place.

This project was of an immense success because of the dedication of the organizing committee. The support of the Department of Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource Management and Abans Environmental Services (Pvt.) Ltd should be mentioned in high appreciation.

The project was chaired by Rtr. Chathurya Silva and Rtr. Taniya Hettiarachchi covered the event. The participants were also very supportive during the whole course of the project.

 Apart from the Wellawatte beach there are several other eye candy beaches in Sri Lanka which are massively subjected to degradation and pollution. Therefore, maintaining and cleaning these beaches are of high importance. This project was just the initial step of a series of environmental friendly tasks. The well spent day reminded everyone that it is our duty to lend a hand even in the smallest way possible to protect our mother nature.

“We are ocean lovers, and our engagement will continue with the beach and ocean till our oceans are clean”.

Rtr. Savindra Wedahitha



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