Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Staying healthy is very important because the need to be in good health can have a positive impact on almost every aspect of our lives. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic and long-term illnesses.
Unfortunately, most people do not have adequate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health is important for your self-esteem and self-image. This project is the most needed one for the whole society to enhance the importance of healthy life.
The Project “Health A Plenty” is a novel initiative by the International Service Avenue of the Rotaract Club of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, which intends to improve people’s grasp of health concerns as well as facilitate rural hospitals.
This initiative is implemented in collaboration with local and international communities to raise awareness about the importance of health. Through this novel step, we hoped that the impact reaches beyond the Sri Lankan society and the environment to include foreign populations and the environment.

The project was carried out in two stages. This was a highly noted and successful virtual project which is launched targeting all the people in the society. Furthermore, this is an excellent time to invest in universal health coverage by ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for people of all ages.
In the first phase of this initiative, we intend to reach out to international Rotaract clubs and ask them to run health-related projects such as blood donation campaigns, healthy eating, hygiene and so on. We believe that by doing so we have been able to contribute to people’s health concerns both locally and globally. We also conducted a public relations campaign in the project’s first phase.

After making the end of the first step, the second step of Health A Plenty was intended to present a training session on First Aid so that people injured in an accident or emergency can be assisted until they receive help. This was an amazing and informative training session for all. We send our messages to foreign Rotaract clubs via online to catch the global audience. In doing so, we were able to raise awareness and collaborate not only with the local community but also with people around the world through the project.
From this phase, we intended to convey the message both locally and globally in collaboration with the international Rotaract clubs to raise public awareness about the importance of health issues and to uplift the need for First Aid.
If we are intended to have good health, we all need to understand that our knowledge and skills alone won’t be enough for our lives to maintain a proper healthy life. Most people do not have sufficient knowledge about it. First and basically, we need to have proper knowledge about First Aid.
First Aid is the first medical help that is provided to a patient at the site before any significant treatment. For this inspiration, we made our audience witness a very special training session titled Basic First-Aid Tips that was illuminated by Dr. J.M. Nilam on the 29th of May 2022 via the zoom platform.
We were able to reach a global audience by sending our message to foreign Rotaract clubs via online. For that, we chose the same international clubs that we were able to reach in the first phase of the project. With his wisdom, he shared knowledge on how the basic First Aid tips were important and how it’s used.

After Health A Plenty went successfully having over 15 International Rotaract clubs with high notes, and positive & appreciated feedback from all the participants, especially the International Rotaract clubs expressed their gratitude towards the organizing committee for organizing such a valuable event that they had an unforgettable experience during the event by learning the importance of a healthy life.
At the same time, they got an opportunity to help with the health concerns of people along with newly developed friendships with fellow Rotaractors. The young Rotaractors gave their immense support to ensure the success of the project, even on the virtual platform.
Health A Plenty hopes that the project gave a high impact on the audience and the objectives of the project were overachieved.
Written by Rtr. Nathasha Geekiyanage