“Among the greatest challenges facing humanity, is the ability to survive progress.”
– Patrick J. Deneen
Soon after hearing these words by American political theorist and Professor of Political Science, we cannot deny the fact that for many decades, we have been in many situations to possess the true understanding of challenges, that should be faced together as a community.
Unlike the problem we have in our personal affairs, major issues do exist regardless of the skin color we’ve got from nature, the language we speak of, and the place we live in. Decade’s greatest plague, also known as Covid-19 or the much familiar Corona Virus has been already realized as a memorable turning point of humanity now.
After some time, wisdom in medical sciences has turned the situation into a win-win, but that too was when we knew what temporality meant to us. Starting from Pfizer followed by Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Sputnik V these vaccines have become well-known as the remedy against COVID-19. They have been so important in today’s world, that anyone can recognize what they are as soon as hearing names. These are what we call nowadays as Covid-19 vaccines that could make our expectations to a higher degree.
Sputnik V’s Basic Info
Named after the Sputnik satellite, Sputnik V is the world’s first registered vaccine against COVID-19 which was initially produced by Gamaleya National Research Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology, the Russian state institute. This vaccine is classified as “Viral Vector Vaccine” and its research name is “Gam-COVID-Vac”.
When it comes to treating Covid-19, Sputnik V is mainly based on adenovirus as a viral vector. In the beginning, there are two Vectors are in creation. AD26 and AD5, first and second are the vectors in which gene coding of Spike Protein extracted from “SARS-COV-2” that is Covid-19, is inserted in both.

After the first dose, whereby AD26 is injected, and in response, the desired immunity is produced. Boosting the produced immunity is accomplished by injecting AD5 in the second dose. The respective vaccine production is quite impressive because this is indeed solid proof for advancements in medical sciences achieving the milestones previously understood to be impossible.

Recommendation for Vaccination
The World Health Organization has not approved of the Sputnik V vaccine due to an issue on how the vaccine vials are filled at the production sites. The issues however did not relate to the safety or efficacy of the vaccine itself.
The Sputnik V shot, is approved for use in over 60 countries due to its efficacy of 92.7% against the virus.
As for its efficacy in different age groups, due to the lack of data, it is only recommended for people above 18 years of age.

No severe adverse side effects of vaccination or death after infection were reported after getting the Sputnik V vaccine.

Although many specific and unique characteristics in the Covid-19 Vaccines vary, we all should accept that the first vaccine we get is the best. So, whatever your preferred vaccine is, go to the nearby vaccination site as soon as possible. Most importantly, be kind enough to follow medical and health restrictions even after vaccination as it is the wisest act of avoiding the spread.
This may be our final chance to making the future of our loved ones, pandemic-free and zero-dreadful.
Written by Rtr. Sachith Gomes
Very insightful 👏👏