Monthly Gathering–September; when you finally discover a curiosity door…

Sep 30, 2022 | Backstage | 0 comments

The second Monthly Gathering of the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura for the month of September was held on the 16th of September 2022 from 6.00 pm onwards via the Zoom platform. Rtr. Dilki Madushika and Rtr. Senura Weragala, the Co-directors of the Club Service Avenue, organized the monthly gathering along with the support of the newcomers in order to expose them to the Rotaract environment. 

The meeting commenced with Rtr. Amaya Haripriya welcoming all those who were present, and Rotaract formalities were then followed. After that, the president, Rtr. Madushan Dananjaya addressed the gathering and gave a summary of the club projects, District projects, and member participation. Newly joined members of the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura were told about how the work is being done in the club and the upcoming projects. The secretary, Rtr. Gagani Gunasinghe, then read out the meeting minutes, and the minutes were proposed in order and were seconded. After that, the avenue directors made avenue announcements and thanked the members for their contributions throughout the past month.

The theme for the monthly gathering was “Stranger Things”, and the fun game was based on that theme. It was a challenging yet fun segment, and everyone participated keenly by answering questions. The winner of the game was announced and the members were thanked for their active participation at the end of the segment. 

Afterwards, the nominees for the ‘Rotaractor of the Month-August’ and their avenues were announced. Rtr. Ashintha De Alwis from Environmental Service Avenue, Rtr. Amasha Perera from the Community Service Avenue and Rtr. Senuri Jayaweera from the Membership Development Committee were named as the nominees for the ‘Rotaractor of the Month-August’. The secretary, Rtr. Gagani Gunasinghe announced the ‘Rotaractor of the Month-August’ as Rtr. Senuri Jayaweera and everyone congratulated her. 

Finally, though the meeting was held amidst power outages and other technical glitches, it was successfully concluded, marking the end of another great evening.

Written by: Rtr. Dilki Madushika

Graphic Design by: Rtr. Dilki Madushika



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