Christmas is an annual festival which is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is observed primarily on the 25th of December as a religious and a cultural celebration. It is not only celebrated by Christians but also by all the religious people around the world. When December opens up there we hear the noise and feel the fragrance of Christmas all around: sounds of crackers, decorations at homes, people all around shopping and great noise of joy and excitement. Christmas is so special since it’s the last festival of the year, and it paves the way for all to enter a new beginning.
One of the special thing that can be seen in each and every house during the Christmas Eve is the triangular shaped evergreen tree which is commonly known as the Christmas tree. Have you ever wondered why the Christmas tree looks triangular???? Many Christian scholars believe that the secret behind this is, that the tree reflects the TRINITY, which means the GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, GOD THE HOLYSPIRIT. That is why an evergreen tree of triangular shape is preferred more than a circular or rectangular shaped tree.

The Christmas tree enlightens the house during the Eve, children as well as adults decorate the tree beautifully with different colours of light bulbs, bells and many other crafts. First the body of the tree is decorated, thereafter comes the time when a bright star is kept on top of the tree while many gifts wrapped in different shades and sizes are kept under the tree. These star toppers and gifts underneath are not kept as a coincidence, but it marks hidden truths of Christmas.
The gift of Christmas, was the newborn baby Jesus, when he was born he was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in manger… three of the wise men were revived by the God to visit baby Jesus and worship him. They thought the new king of the Jews would surely have been born in a palace and visited it but found none. Perplexed in their hearts and longing to see the newborn they looked up to the sky, then they saw a shining bright star from the west of Bethlehem, the star moved with them and as soon as the magicians came towards Bethlehem, the star stopped, that was where the baby was laid.

Then they gazed their eyes towards the sky and saw that the star had disappeared, they were astonished in their heart because that star never was seen again…. That is why a bright shining star is kept on top of the Christmas tree because it was that special star which directed the people towards Christmas, to know and see the birth of baby Jesus… Spiritually this star reflects that it’s the hope of salvation one receives with the accepting of Jesus Christ, it directs a person’s life towards hope and new beginnings.
As soon as the three magicians saw Jesus they were exceeding joy and fell on the feet of Jesus and offered him three different gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts show the gift of Joy, gift of peace and gift of love that Christmas bring over many…. This is why everyone stays awake to exchange the gifts which are underneath the Christmas tree. The Eve of Christmas and Santa distributes so many gifts to the poorest as well as to the needy.
Christmas brings all sorts of gifts to each and every person, it brings out caring and sharing. People make themselves busy in sharing sweets, greeting cards, new gifts and visiting homes. Christmas is so colourful that it does not only enlighten the place all over with its light but also brings new life and hope to everyone. Let’s all together enjoy this Eve of Christmas and step towards a new year with new hopes and with a bright sparkle.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

Written by Rtr. T. Esther