The 9 pillars of RACUSJ

May 1, 2023 | Membership Development, News | 1 comment

The Avenues and Committees in Rotaract Clubs are important because they provide a structure for the club’s activities and help the members focus on specific areas of service and personal development. By having clearly defined avenues, Rotaract Clubs can plan and execute a wide range of projects and events that align with the organization’s goals.

Rotaract in RID 3220 executes its operations through a number of Avenues, with each Avenue playing a significant role in focusing the movement’s efforts in ways that help it achieve its goals. Similarly, the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura carries out projects under nine Avenues and Committees, namely, Club Service Avenue, Community Service Avenue, International Service Avenue, Professional Development Avenue, Finance Committee, Environmental Service Avenue, Membership Development Committee, Public Relations Committee, and Sports and Recreational Activities Avenue

Club Service Avenue

The Club Service Avenue focuses on strengthening fellowship among members and ensuring the smooth functioning of the club by networking and socializing with the members. It forges friendships, fosters new relationships, and generates a club identity. Its vision is to build effectively functioning Clubs while encouraging them to carry out impactful initiatives and assemble clubs through the strength of fellowship inter-club level, regionally and otherwise, while executing action directed towards strengthening bonds, leading to more impactful efforts in transforming society as One Rotaract Family.

Club Service Avenue of RACUSJ is responsible for a varied range of activities, including;

Membership and Administration

Socializing and Fellowship

Communication with the Rotary family 

A large number of projects have been undertaken by Club Service Avenue of the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura. I’m a Rotaractor, A Memorable December, Rollin’ Action, and Triwizard, are some of them. The project ‘A Memorable December’ is one of the significant projects which aims at providing a fulfilling experience for Rotaractors by engulfing them in the true spirit of Christmas, and it was titled the Most Outstanding Club Service Initiative at the 31st Rotaract District Assembly.

Community Service Avenue 

The Community Service Avenue is primarily responsible for seeking opportunities to enhance knowledge and understanding of local community needs and problems. As defined by Rotary, Community Service is “The opportunity all clubs have, to implement club projects and activities that improve life in our local communities.” Therefore, Community Service Avenue formulates and develops appropriate activities for serving the local community through their projects while involving most of the club members.

The Avenue responds to the needs of the local community, and the projects are mainly focused on areas like;

Mental and physical health awareness campaigns


Direct interaction with the various beneficiaries related to Community Service 

Further, the projects are centred around the Rotary 7 Areas of Focus as well as the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and provide opportunities for youth development through numerous projects aimed at serving the community at large. Some of the significant projects carried out by the Community Service Avenue of Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura include Rise Up Sri Lanka, For Them To Blossom, Butterfly Effect, Diviyata Diviyak, Beyond Prevention, Peramaga and Animalia.

International Service Avenue

The main role of the International Service Avenue of RACUSJ is to engage in annual overseas projects to help improve living conditions in other parts of the world and to increase world understanding within the Rotaract Club and the international community. It also encourages and strengthens bonds between international Rotaractors. In the overall context, its vision is to bridge the gap between international horizons by promoting inclusivity and coexistence amongst all nations.

International Service Avenue may perform the following tasks:

Motivating Rotaractors to visit other countries, to meet and greet international Rotaractors. 

Exchanging letterheads and cultural exchanges.

Organizing common projects with international Rotaract Clubs.

The projects organized by International Service Avenue are focused on developing activities for promoting international understanding and service toward all people. Literato, Health a Plenty, Heal the World, and Rotamates are some projects carried out by the International Service Avenue of Rotaract Club of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Professional Development Avenue 

The Professional Development Avenue of RACUSJ organizes projects to uplift the professionalism of Rotaractors. These projects promote ethical standards as well as leadership qualities and vocational responsibilities of the youth.

Activities performed by the Professional Development Avenue;

Organizing projects to give an idea about the corporate world.

Organizing projects to stimulate awareness and acceptance of high ethical standards in business and professional life.

Some of the significant projects carried out by the Avenue are Youth Entrepreneurship Summit, Strive, and Scholastic Coach. The project “Be Professionally Equipped” aims at improving the professional skills required for undergraduates to be successful employees/employers in future.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee provides financial analysis and advice, including financial guidance. Their responsibility is to ensure that the club is operating with the financial resources that are needed to provide programs and services to the community.

The activities performed by the Finance Committee are;

Organizing fundraising projects to collect funds for the club.

Organizing various workshops and awareness sessions to provide financial guidance.

Finsight and Respawn are some significant projects carried out by the Finance Committee of the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Environmental Service Avenue 

The Environmental Service Avenue focuses on the common responsibility bestowed on humanity in preserving and protecting all that is related to Mother Nature.

Some activities performed by the Environmental Service Avenue are;

Organizing projects for planting trees.                              

Protecting and raising awareness about wildlife and marine life. 

Hosting cleanup campaigns.

The significant projects organized by the Environmental Service Avenue include Animalia, Growing Green and Aquatica, and these projects focus on conserving the environment and helping to sustain the planet Earth.

Membership Development Committee 

The role of the Membership Development Committee is to develop and implement an action plan for membership development by attracting new members and motivating existing members.

Activities performed by the Membership Development Committee;

Plan and implement membership development events and new member orientation events.

Develop goals to achieve club membership goals for the coming year.

Organize projects to educate and train new and current club members.

Numerous projects such as I’m A Rotaractor, Viva La Rotaract, including the Installation Ceremony and Charter Day celebrations are organized by the Membership Development Committee.

Public Relations Committee

This Committee aims to develop a uniform image of Rotaract among the masses and ensures that all official communication done by the movement adheres to the highest standards. It effectively and creatively utilizes mass media, social media and other available channels to convey what the Rotaract movement encompasses in its entirety and the monumental service it carries out, thereby attracting more stakeholders and encouraging youth to join the movement in a desire to serve.

The Committee also raises public awareness, ensuring the promotion of club projects and other activities. The most significant projects carried out by the Public Relations Committee are Someone’s Daughter and Design Warrior.

Sports and Recreational Activities Avenue 

The Sports and Recreational Activities Avenue creates enthusiasm amongst Rotaractors and non Rotaractors towards sports. The Avenue aspires to inculcate qualities such as sportsmanship, team spirit, and bonding through impactful projects.

The activities of the Sports and Recreational Activities Avenue;

Organize training, coaching, and education in sports for everybody so that they can learn to keep themselves physically fit.

Enhance the interest of participants in the field of sports. 

Promote every individual’s health, and physical well-being as well as the acquisition of physical skills in sports.

Serve the interests of the community in competitive sports and other recreational activities.

Promote team spirit by creating healthy competition.

Some of the significant projects carried out by the Avenue are Sports Insights and TRIUNFO.

In conclusion, it can be noted that Avenues and Committees in Rotaract Clubs are important because they provide a clear framework for the club’s activities, allow members to pursue their individual interests, and create a sense of continuity and consistency within the club. By focusing on specific areas of service and personal development, Rotaract Clubs make a greater impact on the world and help their members grow both personally and professionally.

Written by: Rtr. W.T.D. Kaweesha Maduwanthi 

Graphic design by: Rtr. Tharushi Nadunika & Rtr. Rashmika Budunwela


1 Comment

  1. Praneeth Madusanka

    Nicely penned ❤


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