The Aquatic environment is not only the sea but oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds. These places are habitats for aquatic animals. They play a key role in aquatic ecosystems. The term “aquatic animals” refer to various creatures that live in the water for most of their life. Fish, reptiles, mammals, and aquatic birds are all considered aquatic animals.
The most important thing that we should remember is that they should not be hurt or abused. They are also a part of nature. These animals are very attractive and very specific. As a result of this, they have to face various threats and very unfortunate situations. They are at a huge risk. The consumption of aquatic animals and their products is increasing in the world more than in the past. Aquatic animals are very popular among humans as resources for medicine, energy shelter, food, etc. Nowadays aquatic animals are the main protein supplement of billions of people all over the world. To complete this demand the number of aquatic animals that are harmed is estimated to be doubled by 2050.
What is World Aquatic Animal Day?
On April 3rd we celebrate World Aquatic Animal Day. It’s a day to remind us of the aquatic animals and take steps to protect them without boundaries. The World Aquatic Animal Day is an annual day for improving awareness of aquatic animals.

This year the theme for the day is “Disentangling the Sustainability myth in Fishing and Aquaculture”. This day was created in 2020, by folks over at the Animal law clinic at the Lewis and Clark Law School (Portland, Oregon, USA) to give attention to these aquatic animals. Many organizations from various countries participated in the first world aquatic animal day.
What should we do to protect aquatic animals?
As we celebrate World Aquatic animal day it is urgent to give proper care to those lives. They also deserve good consideration like other animals. The main purpose of this day is to raise the awareness of all human beings to make a better life for aquatic animals through laws, education, and awareness programs. We should protect them from plastic pollution in the aquatic environment. As a result of human contribution aquatic environment is badly polluted from plastics and other wastages. So it is our responsibility to reduce these things from the aquatic ecosystems.

What do we do to protect aquatic animals by RACUSJ?
The environmental service avenue of the Rotaract Club of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura has launched one of its many signature projects, “Aquatic Wave 2” to raise awareness and preserve marine and coastal ecosystems.
As a step taken by this project we have taken steps to lend a helping hand to the sea turtle conservation center at Induruwa with a volunteering day and treat the sea turtles at the center. In addition, we are currently creating a path to get the attention of people locally and worldwide by launching a website soon with the necessary facilities to learn about the center and to make donations. Further to these great causes, we are also donating equipment and monetary donations to renovate and maintain the center to properly take care of sea turtles.
Moreover, as an indirect approach to conserving and preserving aquatic life on Earth, we, the Rotaractors of RACUSJ have conducted various programs related to reducing plastic pollution that can cause major harm to aquatic life.
The aquatic environment and aquatic animals are amazing creations of nature. We need to protect them at any cost otherwise all we will be left is regret not acting sooner. Be a responsible person to ensure the safety of aquatic animals and animals everywhere on Earth.
Written by Rtr. Nethmi Sasangika