World Water Day 2022

Mar 22, 2022 | Environmental Service | 0 comments

Water is a marvelous creation by nature as well as a great resource bestowed upon us. The total volume of water on Earth is estimated to be about 332.5 million cubic miles. It is found not only in the water of oceans, rivers, streams, lakes, ice sheets, glaciers, and clouds but also in the bodies of every living thing on earth. In fact, 60% of your body is made up of water.

Why is water important to us?

Water is an invaluable resource for human beings. Just as water is the basis of human civilization, nothing exists without water. Just as air and food are essential for the survival of all living things, including humans, animals, and plants, water is also essential. We can live for days without food.  But it is difficult to live even a few hours without water.

People do not realize that water is a valuable resource because it comes naturally to them. So instead of planting trees, people cut down trees. As a result, we have to stay without rain and springs run dry.  Rivers, streams, and reservoirs are also polluted by industrial effluents, toilet effluents, agrochemicals, and garbage used in agriculture.  Thus, there are polluters as well as those who wastewater in our society. Wastewater also destroys clean water, thus polluting and wasting water is a cutting of our own graves.

What is World Water Day?

The first World Water Day was celebrated in 1993, following a resolution adopted at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in 1992 calling for an International Day for Fresh Water. Since then, World Water Day has been celebrated every year on a theme related to water conservation.

“Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible” is the theme for the year 2022. Under this theme, UN-water members aim to explore, conserve and sustainably use groundwater to help them successfully adapt to human existence and climate change and meet the needs of a growing population.

What should we need to do to protect water?

We must protect the water resources that are polluted due to various processes. The first action we must take to conserve water resources is to plant seedlings. It also protects plants that have been sprouting for years. The water can also be kept clean by removing the waste in other ways without discharging waste into the water.

We also need to use water sparingly. Because of overconsumption and pollution, the availability of water suitable for human consumption is limited in the world. It is man himself who destroys and protects the water resources that give life to man. Therefore, it is our responsibility to preserve this great resource that is naturally endowed upon us by Mother Nature.

What is the contribution of RACUSJ to water conservation?

The water keeps us alive and it plays an important role in supporting biodiversity for a wide variety of flora and fauna. We have played a significant role in conserving water resources through project “Aquatica” that is being carried out for 2 years.  Through this, we have been able to do great attempts in planting mangroves to protect water resources, removing non-perishable plastic waste from water sources, and educating the community about the value of conserving water. 

We also play a major role in conserving our precious water resources, as we have done in the long run through the “Aquatica Wave 2” project by initiatives through upcycling plastic waste bottles and cleaning the nurdles swept ashore from the shipwreck caused last year. We also plan to carry out more important deeds with the intention to conserve water and water resources making Aquatica a long-lasting and sustainable project.

Effective practices for using water resources will greatly benefit society, human livelihoods, and the environment. So let us do our best to conserve water as much as we can by ourselves.

Written by Rtr. Charuka Balasooriya



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