Since we have entered an era where slang and vulgar terms are being used intentionally or unintentionally, it is often ignored that it actually might hurt some people and affect their lives hugely in the long run.
Depending on various points of view regarding this matter, there’s are chances you might get or you might not, but I really want you to gaze on only one word. That is Discrimination. In literal it means simply the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex, or disability. But there is still a massive scenario we have failed to understand in a peaceful way which is being empathic and humane.
In addition to that, it would be better if we could have an informative sight of the psychology behind this zero empathy state. Naturally and socially, based on many factors, we humans can be categorized into various groups. As a result, we tend to categorize ourselves as well as others. This is the starting point of this Discrimination.
As previously mentioned, we have differences among us which make us in some ways. But huge attachments to insecurities, cultural aspects, social trends, religious beliefs, and practices altogether can be the basis of this mentality. A mentality that influences some people to discriminate against others who fail to satisfy their most familiar societal norms. These norms can cause a wrong emphasis on the people regardless of who they actually are, whom they love, what they like according to their perspective.

Now it is clearly visible that stereotypical thinking patterns and attitudes make people more and more prejudiced and finally they end up discriminating against others. A simple example would be, suppose you are used to liking a particular object but everyone else thinks otherwise. Because you like something that the others do not, you could possibly be seen as a person with abnormal preferences. It is as simple as that. But how could a few predefined factors determine whether our unique choices are correct or wrong? This is why we need to evolve from the stereotypes that were built long long ago that no one actually knows where it roots from and move forward with the changing world.
In order to put an enormous barrier avoiding lives with the beauty of uniqueness being discriminated, disgraced, chained with the stigma they don’t deserve, Zero Discrimination Day is celebrated annually with different themes in each suggesting more meanings for humans to embrace each others’ uniqueness. Michel Sidibé, the director of UNIAIDS, launched this much-needed day and since then the day is celebrated on the 1st of March of each year. For the theme of 2022 “Remove laws that harm, create laws that empower” is selected to overcome laws and enacted legislations that limit peoples’ entire freedom, moreover making them subject to unwarranted discriminatory restrictions.

It is not wrong to state that, the establishment of this celebration reflects golden rays of true humanity worldwide and it will undoubtedly be an inspiration for the people who have been already discriminated carry out their positive vibes once and for all.
But what should we do when someone is discriminating against us? The first thing is to not doubt about who you are because only you know who you are and what you are capable of regardless of the world’s views on your position in the society. Then you could prove the society wrong by showing them your capabilities through actions. In case you still feel insecure, inform your loved ones. As people who act against discrimination, we all can be a strength to those who were discriminated against. Hug them and tell them how unique they are, how unique their preferences are, and this is how you should heal the wounds of discrimination.
Above all, more importantly, sooner or later, today or tomorrow, and you as a person reading this and I, as a person who has written this what is to be understood finally is that humans are different. They are unique. None of the visible things of our nature or the preferences do really determine whether we are correct or wrong, good or bad. What determine us are our attitudes, compassion, respect, and kindness towards others. So, let’s wipe the discrimination out of our lives and look at the world with kindness, empathy, and more than all, Equality.
On Zero Discrimination Day, let’s celebrate the right of everyone to live a full and productive life – and live it with dignity and free from discrimination.
Written by Rtr. Sachith Gomes