Live, love, laugh: 3 pills to happiness

Mar 20, 2023 | Backstage | 0 comments

Huh (because I’m happy)
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
(Because I’m happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

I think you all know where these lyrics come from. The question is, did you clap along while you were reading those lyrics? Or did it at least make you smile or bring back memories from when you first listened to that song? If it did, then I’m happy for you.

Happiness is a simple word for some, but for others, it bears a complex meaning. What exactly is happiness? Well, I guess we’ll never know for sure. Sure, many definitions have been given, but I say happiness is subjective. People find happiness in different ways. What someone finds happiness in may not be the same for someone else. It’s something unique to oneself. For an easy-going person, watching a comedy movie on Netflix with a bucket full of popcorn may bring immense happiness, whereas, for a sophisticated person, a candlelit under the moonlight would do. It doesn’t matter where you belong; it’s time you bring out the guns and show the world you can be happy too.

Some say they only have this life, but some say there are many more to come. However, one thing is certain: life is short, and we must make the most of it while we are at it. Life ends in ways we cannot predict, so we must get hold of all those little things that exist in our lives. No matter how big or small it is, if it gives you the happiness you longed for, then seize those moments and cherish them.

Have you watched the movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness”? It’s a beautiful example of trying to reach for the stars while you’re at the lowest point in your life. Life will have its’ ups and downs, and it’s certainly not a bed of roses. Some may have it easier, but let’s face it as we all have bad days. Failures, weaknesses, disappointing endings, and whatnot. They can either be temporary or permanent. However, it’s up to us to decide which way we want them to be. Be tactful and deal with bad situations like a boss. Always remember that overused yet famous saying, “Every dark cloud has a silver lining.” Good days are ahead; it’s just that you aren’t prepared enough to face them yet.

Life is dull when there is no spice, and that spice, my dear friends, is happiness. It’s like you’re eating bread without butter. Bread is nothing without butter, and I say it’s an utter failure. We need happiness in our lives, always. Isn’t that the exact reason we wish someone a lifetime of happiness at each and every milestone of their lives? Think about it for a second. What do birthday wishes, graduation wishes, and even wedding wishes have in common? A heartfelt wish for a happy life. We may not have realized it, but we do care about happiness. However, it’s not something we own but something we must create.

I bet some of you didn’t know today is World Happiness Day. Now you know. Make sure to grab this opportunity to break up that monotonous life of yours and do wild things once in a while. Break free and enjoy the little things that life has to offer you.

Happy Happiness Day!

Written by: Rtr. Inuri Hettiarachchi
Graphic design by: Rtr. Malithi Fernando



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