Easter brings a message true,
Of hope and love for me and you,
A tale that spans both old and new,
With lessons that are timeless too.
From ancient times, a story told,
Of Israelites with hearts so bold,
Whose faith in God they did uphold,
As they crossed seas and deserts cold.
Their Passover feast, a solemn rite,
A lamb’s blood shed to spare their plight,
A symbol of God’s guiding light,
As they journeyed towards the sight.
And in the new, a man did come,
To walk the earth, to heal the numb,
To preach of love, and break the sum,
Of sins and shame, for everyone.
His path, the same as those of old,
His fate, a tale that’s oft been told,
Of sacrifice, of love untold,
For all who seek to be consoled.
His death, a price that He did pay,
To wash our sins and doubts away,
And rise again on Easter day,
To guide us through life’s winding way.
So let us celebrate this holy day,
With love and hope in every way,
For all who seek a brighter ray,
In all religions, come what may.
Poem by: Rtr. Malithi Fernando
Graphic design: Rtr. Malithi Fernando