by rotaractusjpAuthor | May 15, 2023 | News, Peace, Justice and Strong Institution
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” -Jimi Hendrix We are all humans. Humans, however, vary from each other, despite their common anatomy. These differences among each of us that make us unique are based on factors including...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | May 14, 2023 | International Service, News
In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly declared that the International Day of Families is to be observed on the 15th of May each year. It carries the purpose of celebrating the significance of having a ‘tribe’ of people to walk along in the journey...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | May 2, 2023 | News
Many famous stars and well-known personalities have dedicated themselves as volunteers, humanitarians, and philanthropists to changing our world for the better. Last time, we brought you the story of Denzel Washington, and today, we bring you the fifth incredible...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | May 1, 2023 | Membership Development, News
The Avenues and Committees in Rotaract Clubs are important because they provide a structure for the club’s activities and help the members focus on specific areas of service and personal development. By having clearly defined avenues, Rotaract Clubs can plan and...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Mar 24, 2023 | Membership Development, News
The Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura (RACUSJ) was chartered on the 1st of September 2011 and is currently stands as one of the largest Rotaract clubs in the Rotaract in Rotary International District 3220. This year, RACUSJ’s passion for service and...
by rotaractusjpAuthor | Mar 24, 2023 | News
එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ මහ ලේකම්, ඇන්ටෝනියෝ ගුටරේස් මහතා විසින් වරක් සඳහන් කළ පරිදි, සත්ය යනු, සමාජය සවිබල ගැන්වීමේ සහ සුව කිරීමේ ප්රභවයක් වන අතර අතීතය, වර්ථමානය සහ සාර්ථක අනාගතයක් ඇති කිරීම උදෙසා මානව වර්ගයා විසින් සත්ය වැළඳගත යුතුයි. සත්යවාදීත්වය නැතහොත් අවංකභාවය යනු,...