“The most wonderful study of mankind is man. Relieving human suffering and diffusing universal knowledge is humanitarian.” – Daniel D. Palmer
According to the perspective articulated by Daniel D. Palmer, mankind stands as the most remarkable object of inquiry. They are the only creatures of nature who have the intelligence to express what they think. As social beings, humans naturally coalesce into communities to safeguard one another. The very notion of humanitarians is birthed from this innate impulse.

In 2009, the 19th of August has been designated by the United Nations general assembly as World humanitarian day each year. This significant date commemorates the anniversary of a tragic bomb assault on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq on 19th August 2003. In that case, 22 humanitarian aid workers were killed including the UN’s high commissioner for human rights. So, the purpose of declaring this day is to honor aid workers who dedicate their lives or who commit their efforts to save another person’s life, to help people in need.
As Daniel D. Palmer has mentioned, relieving human suffering, and diffusing universal knowledge is humanitarianism. A humanitarian is a person who promotes human welfare and social reform. These valiant individuals voluntarily put their lives at risk, relinquishing personal comforts to offer succulent aid to those who have been ravaged by diverse calamities. In their noble pursuit, they exhibit an unwavering commitment to alleviate human misery, irrespective of considerations such as religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender, or geographical boundaries. Thus, this designated day stands as a testament to the valor and sacrifices of the multitude of humanitarian workers who have laid down their lives or endured afflictions in the discharge of their duties.
Across the globe, people continually grapple with a myriad of adversities as they navigate their daily lives. Some challenges arise as shared societal burdens, such as conflict or sudden accidents. It is during such dire moments that certain individuals step forward as volunteers, willingly offering their services to mitigate the challenges faced by others. At times, these individuals wholly dedicate their lives to volunteering, displaying a level of selflessness that is truly invaluable.

However, it is important to recognize that the opportunity to exhibit one’s humanity extends beyond situations of acute crisis. Numerous avenues exist for individuals to contribute positively to society. Many among us endure the hardships of hunger each night, and an astonishing two billion individuals lack access to sanitary water within the confines of their homes. Inequities in education persist, with numerous girls, especially those hailing from developing nations, being deprived of formal schooling. Nowadays, we can see many welfare societies organizing many projects and giving their helping hands to those affected. Additionally, simple yet impactful acts such as volunteering at homeless shelters, nursing homes, or institutions aiding underprivileged children can make a profound difference. Equally, extending a helping hand to those closest to us during their times of struggle can potentially avert tragedies, including instances of contemplated suicide.

Despite these remarkable achievements, those who dedicate themselves to such endeavors often remain in the shadows, seldom receiving public recognition. Consequently, this invaluable day serves as a poignant reminder of the multitude of lives that have been tragically lost, while concurrently serving as a tribute to the present-day practitioners of this honorable labor. People always need humanitarian assistance because of disasters both natural and man-made. So, world humanitarian day reminds us of the increasing need for humanitarian workers who can give selflessly their time.

So, if you get a chance to give your priceless help to someone who is struggling with a situation that you can help, do it from the bottom of your heart. Offer your support devoid of ulterior motives, sans any expectations of reciprocation. For, in a most serendipitous manner, the kindness you bestow shall ultimately find its way back to you, enriching your life in ways unforeseen.
Written by: Rtr. Nidarsha Amarathunga
Graphic design by: Rtr. Nilakshi Nethmini