Education is a powerful catalyst for change, a key that unlocks doors to a brighter future, and a force that transcends borders. Recognizing the pivotal role of education in shaping societies and fostering global development, the United Nations declared January 24th...
“Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.” -Donald Trump “Finsight 3.0” is a project organized by the Finance Committee of the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, to...
“Peace is not something you wish for. It is something you make, something you are, something you do and something you give away.” -Robert Fulghum In a world often plagued by conflicts and divisions, initiatives that aim to foster peace and harmony among diverse...
As the environmental problems are growing day by day the need for conservation, sustainable utilization of available resources and the concept of an eco-friendly lifestyle have come to light. Accordingly, the Environmental Service Avenue of RACUSJ initiated and...
“Literacy is the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman, and child can realize his or her full potential.” -Kofi Annan Project Literato-Chapter 5 commenced on the 26th of March 2023, for the 5th consecutive year is a signature initiative...
The environment is significantly and broadly impacted by construction activity. Degradation of the environment is a result of the exploitation of raw materials, energy use, waste production, and habitat destruction. Deforestation and habitat destruction are common...