The 32nd Rotaract District Conference was successfully held on a grand scale at the Opulent River Face Hotel on the 26th of March 2023. The host clubs Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance, Rotaract Club of Uva Wellassa University – Badulla, and Rotaract Club of Kadawatha together with the District Professional Development Avenue team organized the conference by thoughtfully curated to provide a comprehensive experience for participants, covering various aspects of personal and professional growth. Thought-provoking panel discussions and interactive sessions were designed to develop leadership skills and empowered attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive positive change in their respective communities.
The day started with the DRR Rtn. Rtr. PP Ahamed Hussain calling the house to order following the lighting of the oil lamp by the dignitaries. The welcome address was then delivered to the audience by the Presidents of the host clubs and later to outset the theme for the conference “Persistent Youth For A Hopeful Future”, District Rotaract Representative for the RI year 2022-23, Rtn. Rtr. PP Ahamed Hussain took the stage.

“The Ice Breaker Session”, the first fun segment of the day, was hosted by Rtr. Gershan & Rtr. Shaheem, where everyone was allowed to get to know each other at the table. After the energetic session, the keynote speaker, Mrs. Stephanie Siriwardena took the stage and inspired the audience through her life experiences while emphasizing how youth and passion should coincide in creating a better future. After her inspiring speech, District Rotaract Chair 2022-23, Rtn. PP Farzana Khan followed by the speech of the Rotary District Governor 2022-23, Rtn. PHF PP Pubudu De Zoysa took the stage to inspire the youth.

After a soothing saxophone performance by a member from the Rotaract Club of CINEC, the Panel discussion, which was one of the main highlights of the day started with Rtn. Aashiq Aminuduin as the host and Ms. Rasini Bandara, Mr. Russel Valentine, Rtn. Marshad Barry and Mr. Vinod Payagala as the panel. They spoke on topics that were highly useful for youth especially when facing challenges.
The second half of the conference started with the most anticipated group activity which was based on exploring novel ideas for a sustainable future, after the lunch break. The guest speeches of Mr. Dhanushka Fernando and Dr. Philip Nehri followed by a Q n A session gave a fresh perspective on life to all attendees. Next up was the address by the District Rotaract Chair for the RI year 2023-24, Rtn. PP Sohan and the Rotary District Governor for the RI year 2023-24, Rtn. Jerome.

Following the entertainment item by the Rotaract Club of Uwa-Wellassa University-Badulla, our DRRs, District Rotaract Representative for the RI year 2023-24, Rtr. PP Sathma Jayasinghe and District Rotaract Representative for the RI year 2024-25, Rtr. PP Shanel Mendis addressed the audience and spoke a few words about the day and how they viewed the theme of the conference.

“Ask the DRRs – Open Forum” then commenced where the past, present and future DRRs shared the stage together and let the audience ask them questions regarding Rotaract. After a series of formal segments came the most entertaining part of the day where the famous duo “Arshad and Arshad” came to investigate the missing persons and the fun-filled segment of mini-competitions indeed brought a laugh to all the faces in the room. The end of the conference was marked by the Vote of Thanks delivered by the District Professional Development team.

The conference concluded with an after party igniting a sense of purpose and passion within each attendee and renewing their thoughts on leadership, innovation, and sustainable development, setting the tone for the transformative days to come and with the hope of meeting next year as well.
Written by: Rtr. Malithi Fernando
Graphic design by: Rtr. Malithi Feranndo