The ‘uni three’ project was jointly organized by Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, the Rotaract Club of University of Peradeniya, and Rotaract Club of University of Ruhuna.The main objective of this was to develop friendship and make brotherhood among Rotaract members.
In the first phase, Rotaract members from Peradeniya and Ruhuna universities came and held various activities based on an applied science faculty hall of Jayawardenepura University and outdoor places on the university premises. After everyone arrived there, the members were introduced and meanwhile, refreshments were provided and a contribution was made to relieve their fatigue. After that, the members were divided into groups as the members mixed, and various activities were performed outdoors, and the sub-cultures of the university were introduced through them.
After that, the members were divided into groups so that they could mix, and various activities were performed in the outdoors, and the sub-cultures of the university were introduced through them. As a result of those activities, the participants gained an understanding of the university environment and it was seen that more new friendships were made and existing friendships were strengthened.
After having lunch, engaging in some other activities, and strengthening friendships, everyone ended the phase happily and dispersed, promising to meet in the next phase.

As the second phase of the ‘Uni Three’ project, Rotaract members from Peradeniya and Jayawardenepura University visited Ruhuna University.
It must have been an unforgettable day for the members who participated. At the attractive Ruhuna University, located near a beautiful beach, Rotaract members from all three universities were divided into groups and engaged in various simple games, which mostly helped to renew friendships and create new friendships. Some games were held on the beach and they were more attractive.
It is also special that some members who did not participate in the first phase held at the University of Sri Jayawardenepura also participated in this event. It is good proof that new friendships were formed here. Lunch and refreshments were also served here, and meanwhile, memory books were filled through friendly chats. We had to say goodbye to this lovely day, which consisted of tours around the university premises and identifying the sub-culture of Ruhuna University. But it was a day full of brotherhood that will be remembered by all.
As the final phase of the ‘Uni Three’ project, Rotaract members from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and the University of Ruhuna met at the beautiful University of Peradeniya. It was hosted by the Rotaract Club of University of Peradeniya .
The members who came impatiently to visit the beautiful Peradeniya University and to spend time with Rotaract members of other universities got refreshments and after relieving their fatigue, everyone introduced themselves and participated in a fun activity.
After that, everyone visited various places on the university premises together, and friendships started to develop through small conversations.
After visiting many special places at University of Peradeniya, everyone had lunch together and again visited other places. They came back to the usual hall and engaged in fun games.
Confirming that time was limited, everyone had to finish the ‘Uni Three’ project and say goodbye to the University of Peradeniya. But it was one of the fondest days that Rotaract members from these three universities will never forget.
The project was completed as it was intended to be, new friendships were formed among the Rotaract members, brotherhood was developed and the members felt that it was a project that should continue for years to come.
Even if this project ends like this, the friendships formed will be renewed and will last for a long time.
Written by: Rtr. Pabasara Madhubhani
Graphic design by: Rtr. Nidarsha Amaratunga